How King Obama Turned The USA Into A Socialist Islamic Dictatorship And Is A Martian



“A ruler with total power over a country, typically one who has obtained power by force.” -Oxford Dictionary

“If this were a dictatorship, it’d be a heck of a lot easier…just as long as I’m the dictator.” -Former President George W. Bush

President Obama’s critics have accused him of many crimes. The number and scope of these accusations is too long to list, but they can all be summarized by the root statement that “Obama is a Dictator.”  That’s right, America is a dictatorship now, and our dictator is socialist muslim Martian.

It may sound a little ridiculous at first. After all, didn’t he win two democratic elections by wide margins? Don’t we have a military for invading other countries, not suppressing us at home? Doesn’t Obama have meaningful opposition keeping his power in check?

WRONG! He’s a dictator. This article explains why we live in a police state where all the guns have been taken away, religion is illegal, Obama rules unopposed through executive orders, and he has turned America into a socialist, muslim, atheist paradise built for illegal aliens such as Mexicans and Martians.

Prominent writers and political thinkers Orson Scott CardRichard Cordray, and a growing number of brave souls have explained exactly how Obama has become an unchecked dictator.  House Rep. Randy Weber even tweeted during the 2014 State of the Union address that Obama is a “socialist dictator.” At least someone in congress has the balls to speak up, even if he doesn’t have any hard evidence. But we don’t need evidence to prove what we already know is true. Here’s why Obama is a dictator.

Obama Rules Without Congress

Many brave members of congress unilaterally oppose anything King Hussein Obama does, but it isn’t enough anymore. Last January, Obama declared he was going to use his power to issue executive orders to act where congress disapproves. He is starting the transformation from the president with the lowest use of executive order power since 1885 to the new Stalin. He’s pushing his 33.5 average orders a year up towards Reagan’s 47.6, past Kennedy’s 75.4, all the way up to Franklin Roosevelt’s 290.7. Remember that massively unpopular communist president that was “elected” 4 times? That’s Obama’s goal. Thankfully, the GOP is now considering suing him for ordering too much.

We Live In A Big Brother Police State

By expanding the NSA mass surveillance program authorized by George W. Bush, Obama has cemented domestic spying on U.S citizens by our own government, step 1 in making a Big Brother regime a reality. When you can track all dissenters, you can then remove all the opposition. Obama banned torture (because he loves terrorists and hates U.S. interrogators) to look better and less dictator-y. Wake up people! It’s a distraction! Who needs that when you can simply track and disappear enemies?

There Is No Opposition To Obama Left Alive

Obama found all those dissenters and silenced them Putin style. That’s why all those those Republican senators, House Reps, and conservative pundits have been mysteriously disappearing recently- or openly assassinated. Sure, the liberal media hasn’t told you about it, and you probably haven’t heard about it from any conservative source either. Still, it’s probably started.

Obama Didn’t Take Away All The Guns…Or Did He?

No, he didn’t. He didn’t even try. But still, you know he wants to. The increased funding for school safety, more police officers in high gun violence areas, gun violence prosecution, mental health awareness, and illegal gun trafficking crackdowns are a ploy. He wants our guns, the next step in making us helpless against Big Brother.. In 2008 he even said economic issues made Pennsylvanians “get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.” As a Pennsylvanian, I’m feeling pretty bitter right now. What’s wrong with hating new immigrants? Why are guns and religion now illegal?

Religion Is Now Illegal

Well, it isn’t…yet. It’s actually stronger now, but in all the wrong ways. Obama’s increased support for government cooperation with religion is a travesty. Religion should be the government (Christianity, not all the fake ones), and the atheist separation of church and state is evil, and unconstitutional. If Islamic law overruling American law is constitutional, it’s obvious Obama’s muslim agenda has supplanted real America.

America Is Islamic And Socialist

You don’t believe me? There’s a muslim community center 2 blocks from the World Trade Center Memorial, meant to foster “understanding and peace” with America. No True American is fooled by this oppressive takeover. Also, remember when Obama bailed out the largest and most powerful capitalistic institutions in America? Only a socialist government prop up corrupt and failing businesses.

Obama Is A Martian

He’s not even American! The CIA denies it, so you know it has to be true! No wonder he’s so bent on immigration “reform.”

As always on America the Amazing, I try to bring light to the best, worst, and most interesting parts of my beloved home, and figure out what it means to be a True American. Also, Orson Scott Card really is a fantastic writer and you should check him out. Image credit goes to Jason Heuser.

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